Engineering Conversion Factors

This list is based on Basic Units and Derived Units. I use the standard Multiples of Ten where appropriate.

If you find any errors or can't find some unit; email me and I will include the conversion.

To Convert To Multiply By
acres ft2 43560
acres m2 4046.9
acres rods2 160
acres hectares .4047
acre feet barrels 7758
acre feet m3 1233.5
angstrom, å cm 10-8
angstrom, å nm 0.1
astronomical unit, AU cm 1.496E13
astronomical unit Tm 0.1496
atmospheres (atm) feet of water 33.94
atmospheres in of Hg 29.92
atmospheres mm of Hg 760
atmospheres psi 14.7
bar atm .98692
bar dyne cm-2 106
bar psi (lb in-2) 14.5038
bar mm Hg 750.06
bar MPa 10-1
barrel (bbl) ft3 5.6146
barrel m3 .15898
barrel gal (US) 42
barrel liter 158.9
BTU Canadian BTU 1.000418022
BTU ISO BTU 1.000527124
BTU cal 251.996
BTU erg 1.055055853 * 1010
BTU joule 1054.35
calorie (gm) (cal) joule 4.184
centimeter (cm) inch 0.39370
cm m 10-2
darcy m2 9.8697E-13
dyne g cm s-2 1
dyne Newton 10-5
erg cal 2.39006E-8
erg dyne cm 1
erg joule 10-7
fathom (fath) ft 6
feet (ft) in 12
feet m 0.3048
furlong yd 220
gallon (US) (gal) in3 231
gallon liter 3.78541
gallon (Imp.) (gal) in3 277.419
gallon liter 4.54608
gamma gauss 10-5
gamma tesla 10-9
gauss tesla 10-4
gram (g) pound 0.0022046
gram kg 10-3
hectare acre 2.47105
hectare cm2 108
horsepower W 745.700
inch (in) cm 2.54
inch (in) mm 25.4
joule (J) erg 107
joule cal 0.239006
kilogram (kg) g 103
kilogram pound 2.20462
kilometer (km) m 103
kilometer ft 3280.84
kilometer mile 0.621371
kilometer hr-1 (kph) mile hr-1 (mph) 0.621371
kilowatt hp 1.34102
knot mph 1.150779
liter cm3 103
liter gal (US) 0.26417
liter in3 61.0237
meter angstrom 1 x 1010
meter ft 3.28084
micron cm 10-4
mile ft 5280
mile km 1.60934
mm Hg dyne cm-2 1333.22
Newton dyne 105
Newton pound (lbf) 0.224809
Newton-meter (torque) foot-pound-force .737562
ounce lb 0.0625
Pascal atmospheres 9.86923 * 10-6
Pascal psi 1.45 * 10-4
Pascal torr 7.501 * 10-3
pint gallon 0.125
poise g cm-1 s-1 1
poise kg m-1 s-1 0.1
pound (lbm) kg 0.453592
pound (lbf) newton 4.4475
rod feet 16.5
quart gallon 0.25
stoke cm2 s-1 1
slug kg 14.594
tesla gauss 104
Torr Millibar 1.333224
Torr Millimeter of Hg 1
ton (long) lb 2240
ton (Metric) lb 2205
ton (Metric) kg 1000
ton (short or net) lb 2000
ton (short or net) kg 907.185
ton (short or net) ton (Metric) .907
watt J s-1 1
yard in 36
yard m 0.9144
year (cal) days 365.242198781
year (cal) s 3.15576 x 107

Basic Units

Length meter m
Time second s
Mass kilogram kg
Temperature Kelvin K
Electrical Current ampere A

Derived Units

Force Newton Nkg m s-2
Energy joule Jkg m2 s-2
Power watt Wkg m2 s-3
Frequency hertz Hzs-1
Charge coulomb CA s
Capacitance farad FC2 s2 kg-1 m-2
Magnetic Induction tesla Tkg A-1 s-2

Multiples of Ten

10-12 pico p
10-9 nano n
10-6 micro µ
10-3 milli m
103 kilo k
106 mega M
109 giga G
1012 tera T

While these multipliers are most often used with metric basic or derived units, the multipliers are sometimes used with english units, creating confusing combinations.
Examples are kip which stands for kilopounds (1000 pounds) and ksi which is a combination of k and psi resulting in thousands of psi.

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Tim Quinn, All Rights Reserved. Comments